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Have you or someone you know taken Zantac® and subsequently been diagnosed with cancer?

Officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have ordered all ranitidine medications, sold under the brand name Zantac®, taken off store shelves immediately. The order is tied to concerns that the medication may contain a cancer-causing chemical. Based upon recent testing by a respected independent laboratory and a resulting petition filed with the FDA, there are claims that Zantac® (and the generic ranitidine) causes high levels of the carcinogen Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) exposure in patients. Studies have linked the hepatotoxin NDMA to cancer in both animals and humans.

Those who frequently took the heartburn medication Zantac® and were later diagnosed with cancer such as breast cancer, bladder cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, small intestine cancer, pancreatic cancer, leukemia or non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, may be eligible to file a lawsuit against the drug’s manufacturers and retailers.


If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer after taking this medication, we will evaluate your case at no charge to you.

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