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At Jeeves Law Group, our attorneys have extensive experience across a wide range of practice areas where victims have been physically or emotionally injured, and/or personal property damaged. We’re dedicated to protecting the rights of our clients and always put your interests first. That’s why there’s no cost or obligation when you contact us for a case evaluation. And if no recovery is made, you pay no fee.
Choosing Jeeves Law Group means choosing a team who’ve helped thousands of accident and injury victims as well as their families get the treatment, respect, support, and fair compensation they deserve.
Car accidents can be a life changing experience that can cause physical pain and mental distress. There is no such thing as a “minor” car accident and the time right after any accident is important. One of the first things you can do to better understand your rights and next steps is to speak to an attorney at Jeeves Law Group.
Commercial vehicles, such as delivery trucks, tractor-trailers and semi-trucks, pose serious and unique dangers on the road. Because of the large size and weight of trucks, an otherwise low impact accident can result in debilitating injuries or wrongful death of drivers and passengers in smaller vehicles.
We ensure our clients that are victims of motorcycle accidents get expert representation and compensation.
The increased popularity of motorcycles has inevitably led to an increase in motorcycle accidents. There is no such thing as a fender bender when it comes to a motorcycle accident. These accidents often involve serious injuries. Not surprisingly, when motorcyclists are involved in accidents with passenger vehicles, motorcycle riders and their passengers are more likely to suffer devastating results.
The law of personal injury is concerned with determining who may be responsible (who is “liable,” or has “liability”) for causing injury and how much the responsible party should be required to pay for any damages resulting from the injury. It’s a challenging Practice Area and one that the Jeeves Law Group has extensive experience in.
Dog attacks represent some of the most gruesome personal injuries, particularly because children and the elderly are often involved. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year in the U.S. Almost one in five of those bitten require medical attention for dog bite-related injuries.
When an insurance company fails to honor the obligations in your insurance contract, or fails to perform other responsibilities it has to you pursuant to the insurance purchased, it may be grounds for insurance litigation against them for “bad faith.” Every insurance contract contains an unwritten or implied term referred to as the covenant or promise of good faith and fair dealing.
Medical malpractice is a form of negligence where an injury results from the failure of a medical professional (doctor, nurse, medical technician, psychiatrist) or medical facility (hospital, clinic, healthcare center) to exercise adequate care, skill or diligence in performing a duty. A doctor has an obligation to use care and diligence in diagnosing your illness so that the proper treatment can be recommended.
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is damage to the spinal cord that results in a loss of function such as mobility or feeling. Almost 11,000 people in the U.S. sustain a traumatic spinal cord injury each year, resulting in temporary or permanent sensory deficit, motor deficit, or bowel or bladder dysfunction.
A wrongful death claim arises from the death of an individual that was caused by the conduct of another. A wrongful death suit is different from other types of personal injury claims because the actual victim (the “decedent”) is not bringing suit, rather it is the family members or the decedent’s estate. As such, a wrongful death claim is brought to recover damages for the injuries that the surviving family and/or estate have suffered due to the death of the victim.
A class action suit is an effective legal option available for a group of consumers who have been unfairly wronged by the actions of companies or other defendants.
Personal Injury Communities We Serve
Wrongful Death Communities We Serve
Auto Accident Communities We Serve
Truck Accident Communities We Serve
Motorcycle Accident Communities We Serve
Bicycle Accident Communities We Serve
Insurance Litigation Communities We Serve
St. Petersburg Office
2100 1st Ave S, Ste 2
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
(727) 894-2929
Fax 727-822-1499
Tampa Office
701 S. Howard Ave. Suite 201
Tampa, FL 33606
Phone: (813) 249-2929