7 Reasons Why Vehicles and Pedestrians Collide

A black car is driving past a person crossing the street

Pedestrians and drivers must share the road, but that doesn't always mean they do so safely. In 2019 alone, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that some 6,205 pedestrians were killed using America's roads. Why does this high rate of pedestrian accidents occur? Here are a few of the most likely reasons and what they mean for you. 


1. Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is a wide-ranging term that can include anything from driving too fast and changing lanes repeatedly to using the horn unnecessarily and trying to goad other drivers. This aggressive behavior may not be the immediate cause of an accident, but it contributes to the driver being distracted, exceeding safe speed limits, or not driving defensively. 

Unfortunately for pedestrians, aggressive driving behavior may not be obvious to the pedestrian who is injured by one. Often, other drivers and traffic cameras can help you determine if the driver was acting recklessly. 

2. Crosswalks

If you must cross a road — and it's often unavoidable — you come into direct danger from cars using that road at the same time. Understanding your rights and responsibilities when doing so is key to using them safely and getting compensation when necessary. 

In Florida, as in many states, legal crosswalks do not have to be marked as such. Every intersection contains an inherent crosswalk on all sides. Pedestrians may be required to follow traffic light indicators where these exist, but failure to do so doesn't mean drivers have free reign. Drivers must generally yield to most pedestrians in the road.

Pedestrians involved in accidents while crossing need to learn the full extent of any shared responsibility for the incident. For instance, even if you crossed the road against the light, you may be eligible for reduced compensation under shared liability laws. And because poorly marked crosswalks can be harder for drivers to see, even those responsible for maintenance could be liable. 

3. Distracted Driving

Certainly, drivers have more going on inside the vehicle than ever before. Cellphones are the most common culprit, which is why many states have enacted laws against using the phone while driving or using it without hands-free devices. But drivers today can also be distracted by their onboard navigation and entertainment systems, the radio, or other passengers in the car. 

Some pedestrians can see drivers who are clearly distracted, but this is often not the case. Further investigation, including information from cellular carriers or traffic cameras, can shed light on what a driver was doing prior to the accident. 

4. Driving Under the Influence

Drivers who are impaired by alcohol or other substances are one of the main reasons for accidents. In Florida, as in many other states, anyone with a blood alcohol of .08 is considered to be impaired and should not be driving. But this measurement isn't the only way for police to tell when a driver is impaired. The impairment of normal activities is also used as a gauge.

Pedestrians who are involved in any sort of incident should contact the police and make note of any indications that the driver may seem impaired. Determining if this is a cause must be done as soon as possible before evidence is lost. 

5. Failure to Follow Rules

Many drivers simply fail to take their driving responsibility seriously. They may coast through stop signs, accelerate through yellow lights, or ignore speed limits. This is not necessarily because they were intoxicated or distracted. It's simply a gradual erosion of the duty of care all drivers have.

For this reason, most pedestrians take extra care when using roads alongside vehicles. This is good for your case, though, as you're less likely to share some or all of the blame with the driver in an accident.

6. Left and Right Turns

All vehicles must make turns as part of any drive. But drivers are more prone to accidents with pedestrians when doing so. Left turns, in particular, can be dangerous for pedestrians.

The primary cause is the fact that driver attention is pulled in different directions when executing a turn. They may be looking elsewhere and just not see pedestrians on the sidewalk or in crosswalks. This can be the case even when all other conditions are ideal. 

7. Weather Conditions

No matter where you are, the weather will not always be bright and sunny. Weather conditions like rain, snow, ice, fog, and wind can all contribute to driver inability to successfully navigate the road.

Of course, no one can control the weather. However, this doesn't negate the responsibility drivers have to take reasonable precautions. Someone who drives faster than is reasonable in the weather or is more aggressive could still be at fault for weather-related crashes. 

Where to Learn More

If you've been injured in an accident while sharing the road with drivers, understanding the root causes of that accident is essential to get the compensation you need to recover. Jeeves Law Group can help. Call today to learn how we can help you get the evidence and build the case you need to get the compensation you deserve. 

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